

What Google's YouTube deal means for Microsoft:
Asked about those reports today, Microsoft didn't precisely confirm them, but didn't directly deny them, either. In a statement, the company said it 'evaluated acquiring this type of technology several months ago' but decided that building its own video-sharing service would be 'a more cost-effective way to compete in this new space.' The company launched the test of its Soapbox service last month.
また、スティーブ・バルマーはBusinessWeek Onlineのインタビューで、「(GoogleがYouTubeを合弁すればさらに手強いライバルになるであろうと前置きしつつ)我々は長期なんだ。我々は比べるものがない粘り強さを持っているんだ』と言っている。
Google Competitors Beware:
But Ballmer says Microsoft has a long-term strategy, not to mention a history of coming from behind to overtake rivals such as Netscape (TWX), the early leader in the browser market. 'We're very long-term. We've got a stick-to-it-iveness, a tenaciousness that I would argue is unmatched,' he said.
これに噛み付いているのが、6月にMicrosoftを円満退職したRobert Scoble。

「最良のものは買わず、それを模倣し、高値でスタッフを買う。それが最近のMicrosoftの戦略だった。しかしYTをクローンしても観客は持てない。Microsoftは未だにテクノロジーをクローンすれば観客も作り出せると思っているらしい。おい、スティーブ、戦略はうまく行ってないぜ。キミはビートルズをクローンできない - これはテクノロジーじゃなくて、プレイなんだ! キミの生態系には観客も居ないし、そこに乗っかる広告主を集める方法はないのさ」
What if Microsoft bought YouTube? « Scobleizer - Tech Geek Blogger:
Looks like Microsoft thought the price was too high. That’s been the strategy lately. Don’t buy best-of-breed — copy those — and buy stuff that’s more reasonably priced. Thing is, a copy of YouTube won’t have the audience (Microsoft still thinks it can build a big audience by cloning the technology. Hey Steve Ballmer, that strategy won’t work! You can’t clone the Beatles — this is NOT a technology-only play!)

No audience, no way to get advertisers to join your ecosystem.

あと、少し離れた記事だが、意味深だと思ったのでコレを。「タワーレコードから得た教訓 - 市場が変わるときはキミもシフトしなきゃね」。
Techdirt: Lessons To Be Learned From Tower Records: When The Market Shifts, You Need To Shift With It:
noting that the executives at Tower (and plenty of other retailers) never really believed the internet would impact their business. In the end, as sad as it is for those of us who used to spend plenty of extra time (and money) at various Tower Records' stores, it should be a case study for those who don't understand when the market is shifting around them. While other record stores began to recognize that that they needed to completely revamp their business -- from becoming combination music/dance clubs and stores to starting their own record labels or becoming 'destinations' rather than just stores -- Tower Records leadership insisted that the web 'is certainly never going to take the place of stores.

さて、今回の件で、第2のタワーレコードになるのはどこだろう? 電通がつい最近ネットでCM枠を買えるCMGOGOを始めたが、危機感なんだろうね。尤もあれはクライアントの信頼を得るためのCMパートナー宣言だというヒトも居るみたいだけど。



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