ASAHI BREWERIES | ABOUT ASAHI | Corporate Introduction:これは1989年に作られたとのこと。作品としては古いせいか、デザインを行ったフィリップ・スタルク(Philippe Starck)氏のサイトには掲載されていないが、Starck+Asahi Beerで ググってみると結構でてくる。
Immediately after its completion in 1989, this building became a hot new tourist spot in Tokyo. With its amber-colored glass windows and top frieze of white external walls, the 22-story Asahi Beer Tower captures the essence of a sudsy glass of beer. The adjoining Asahi Super Dry Hall was designed by the noted French designer Philippe Starck and the “Flaming Ornament” on the roof is a symbol of Asahi Breweries’ dynamic heart.
Asahi Beer Hall -- Tokyo Meltdown Architecture Review:
Although it has been interpreted by the people at Asahi as being a symbol of the burning soul of the company, it is such a recognizable element in all of the architect's work that it is hard not to see it as either a designer label or the self-conscious imprint of an egotist.
Features - Leeds Today: News, Sport, Jobs, Property, Cars, Entertainments & More:「デザイン的には製品よりデザイナーのラベルという面を重視していてエゴイスティックだけど、目立つし忘れられないデザイン」っていう評価が多い。ま、それはそれとして、Google Earthでの観光名所でもあったりするな。
The simulated gold leaf finish makes the flame gleam by day and, when illuminated, by night. It is intended to represent the burning soul of the company.
But for many it has simply come to represent Starck's egotistical 'designer label' approach, with the creator being more important than the product .
Either way it is both distinctive and unforgettable.
もちろん、Google Mapsでもはっきり見える。