
敵の敵は味方 - "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"というわけか。Android(Google)やiPhone(Apple)に迎合できない事情はわかるけど、"the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy"かもよ。Hillary Clintonに対するJohn McCainみたいな(笑)Adobe AIRはRon Paulかな。
Nokia - ShowPressRelease:
Nokia today announced plans to make Microsoft Silverlight available for S60 on Symbian OS, the world's leading smartphone software(1), as well as for Series 40 devices and Nokia Internet tablets. Adding support for Silverlight will extend opportunities for developers to create rich, interactive applications that run on multiple platforms in a consistent and reliable way.
同じ日にGoogleがGoogle Gears for mobileを発表したのは面白い(Google GearそのものはFirefoxやIEでOfflineモード時にJavascriptからローカル資源をアクセスできるようになるプラグイン)。それも最初はPocket IEが動くWindows Mobile 5/6向け。"We're also working to bring Google Gears for mobile to Android and other mobile platforms with capable web browsers"と書かれているので、Androidはもちろん、iPhoneのSafariやOpera Mini向けもすぐに出るだろう。下のビデオは、Google Gears for mobileを使ったZohoワープロのデモ。