
A mosquito-incense pig

surou tsukishimaで売っている「蚊やり豚」。なかなか愛嬌があります。アチラでは蚊取り線香はMosquito-repellent incenseと呼ばれているそうですが、さしずめ、これはMosquito-repellent incense pigとでもいうのかな? 「豚ではなく、実は『獏』だ」という話もある
Yonago Echo No.31:
There are mainly two types of mosquito-repellent incense. One is incense to light and make smoke, then the smoke kill mosquito. The incense is burnt to ashes so an ashtray will be needed. Ashtrays for the incense are sometimes packed with the incense when you buy it at a shop. There are also some special ashtrays only for the incense. The most famous one is a pottery ashtray in the shape of a pig shape and the incense is put inside of it. An electric machine with a sheet or liquid, containing an effective ingredient, vaporizes the ingredient and kills mosquito. Now, there are many kinds of mosquito-repellent incense; for example, ones that can be used inside or outside, or ones that can be carried, so choose the one that you think is the best to use.
蚊やり豚と言えば、次は風鈴(A Wind-Bell)。銀座ホコ天でいろいろ売ってたので、来週あたり買おうかな。

A wind-bell seller

