
Fast Company Now:
Do you keep falling asleep in meetings and seminars? What about those long and boring conference calls? Here's a way to change all of that.
  1. 5×5のマス目を書く
  2. 次の用語をテキトーに配置する
    Synergy, strategic fit, core competencies, best practice, bottom line, revisit, expeditious, to tell you the truth (または"the truth is"), 24/7, out of the loop, benchmark, value-added, proactive, win-win, think outside the box, fast track, result-driven, knowledge base, at the end of the day, touch base, mindset, client focus(ed), paradigm, game plan, leverage. (計25個)
  3. セミナーが始まったら、出現した用語に印をつける
  4. 縦、横、斜めのいずれかが揃ったら、「クソッタレ!」と叫ぶ(笑)

