Future of Media Video

EPIC 2014, 2015に続くビデオになるか? Davide Casaleggioというイタリアの方がRead/Write Webに送ってきたそうだ。なんか発音が変と思ったら2050年のPhilip K. Dickのアバターって設定らしい。


YouTube - Prometeus - The Media Revolution:
Man is God.
He is everywhere, he is anybody, he knows everything.
This is the Prometeus new world.
All started with the Media Revolution, with Internet, at the end of the last century.
Everything related to the old media vanished: Gutenberg, the
copyright, the radio, the television, the publicity.
The old world reacts: more restrictions for the copyright, new laws against non authorized copies. Napster, the music peer to peer company is sued.
At the same time, free internet radio appears;
TIVO, the internet television, allows to avoid publicity; the Wall Street Journal goes on line; Google launches Google news.
