「人間が入力したかどうか検査」であるCAPTCHA(Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)も最近は珍しくなくなり、それにつれて、CAPTCHA対応スパムも出てきた。CouchDbのデモサイトでもこれに困っていたらしいが、Negative-CAPTCHAと呼ばれるしゃれたアイデアでアイデアでスパムを撃退しているようだ(Sofrとかの掲示板がそれ)。

<input type="text" name="email" style="display:none">
Damien Katz: Negative CAPTCHA:
When a human user fills out the form, the hidden field will always be blank. But when filled out by a spam bot, it doesn't know the field is supposed to be hidden, so it adds a bogus email address and submits the form. When the back-end code sees the email in the posting, it knows the email was filled in by a bot and ignores the whole submission.

Via Damien Katz: Negative CAPTCHA